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Month: April 2024

Understanding Core Sleep: A Simple Guide for Better Sleep

Understanding Core Sleep: A Simple Guide for Better Sleep Core Sleep

Sleep is vital to our overall wellbeing, affecting our physical, mental, and emotional health. One sleep term that isn’t spoken about often is Core Sleep. Unlike the total sleep duration, Core Sleep refers to a specific uninterrupted period of essential rest necessary for optimal functioning.  Understanding Core Sleep is crucial for maintaining a healthy and […]

Solving the Mystery of Dry Mouth With Your CPAP Machine

Solving the Mystery of Dry Mouth With Your CPAP Machine CAPA dry mouth

Dry mouth can be a side effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy used to treat sleep apnea. During CPAP therapy, a machine delivers pressurized air through a mask to reduce breathing disruptions while sleeping. For some people, this airflow can cause uncomfortable dryness in the mouth. Various factors contribute to dry mouth during […]